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Micro Learning

If you can’t cover it in less than 10 minutes, you’ve lost them


Today’s learner is a multi-tasker with limited time, and a limited attention span.  We will work with you to distill your content into manageable, meaningful segments that will  culminate in a focused, concise and captivating learning experience. 


Interactive video transforms passive learners into engaged adventurers!


Zoning out on videos  on personal time is fine, but passive viewing isn’t the best use of professional time—and your training budget.


Our interactive video format is ideal for teaching sensitive topics, engaging learners in practical scenarios that challenge their critical thinking skills.  Learner input directly shapes the outcome of the  video—keeping viewers tuned in as they make thought-provoking decisions within the scope of the learning environment.



A story-based approach fuses learning and practical scenarios resulting in impactful & cost effective solutions


Effective learning occurs when learners are immersed in real-world situations that enable them to use their learning to solve problems as they they learn.  Our team will collaborate with your SMEs to identify pivotal learning events and create practical scenarios that will empower your learners with the knowledge and skills required to effectively resolve challenges during the learning process—and on the job!



Micro Learning isn't just for the computer


Micro Learning events aren't limited to digital platforms! Let us show you how to incorporate micro learning into site visits, team meetings and video chats.





An interactive format captures and retains their attention

Targeted content  is customized to offer succinct learning experience


Save on training expenses by minimizing  employee work time dedicated to training.

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